About this blog

I guess I may be what they call a "foodie" nowadays, in that I really love to eat and enjoy sharing my culinary delights via "food porn" or reviews. Have done so for years, back when LiveJournal was still popular and before Facebook's heyday. Cue hipster mode: "I was a foodie before it was popular." :)

Unfortunately, my photography skills are mediocre at best. All of my pictures, no matter how carefully taken, wind up looking like a rank amateur's snapshots. Also, I'm a home-style cook, not a chef: I don't worry that much about "presentation", just that the food tastes good. So the few photos that are here probably don't really do justice to the finished dishes, Just try the recipes yourself, though: you'll be glad you did.

I'm mainly familiar with Cebuano dishes as that's the part of the Philippines in which I live. However, there are dishes that originated in  other regions, such as pinakbet and adobo, that have become popular throughout the Philippines. All of the recipes posted here are dishes that I've personally cooked.

We don't eat out very often, but I may occasionally post a review of a particular restaurant or carinderia (streetside eatery or canteen) that are exceptionally good or bad, or that serve hard-to-find dishes that tourists or foreigners might want to look for (such as burritos.)

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